UDL Technology Tool 3: Camtasia

Image result for logo camtasia
An icon of Camtasia

What is Camtasia?

Camtasia is an all-in-one screen recorder and video editor. It can record both a computer screen and a webcam video. The recording can be edited in the same software.

Alignment to UDL Principle


Creating a video presentation can optimize relevance, value, and authenticity of learning. Camtasia can increase master-oriented feedback by embedding questions/quiz and providing feedback for students. Students can view the video and take the quiz and get feedback as many times as they want.


Camtasia provides multiple means of representation by offering alternatives for auditory and visual information. A video with closed captions allows students to listen to the audio and/or view closed captions

Action & Expression

Camtasia provides an opportunity for students to use multimedia to show their creativity or learning. If access to a paid version is not available, students can use a trial version to create a video.

Curriculum Integration

Camtasia can be integrated into any curriculum by creating instructional videos. Especially in an online class or flipped class that requires online learning, teachers can use Camtasia to create course introductions and/or instructional videos.


Camtasia is still new to me. Below is the first video I created with Camtasia. When creating this video, I had very limited time and constrained environment (My new 2020 MacBook air gets noisy when using Camtasia and my baby was excitedly playing and screaming.). I didn’t have time to include closed captions, but I uploaded it into YouTube, which can automatically generate closed captions.

SWOT Analysis


  • Intuitive user interface
  • Video recording and editing are in the same program
  • Lots of editing options
  • Many effects such as annotations, transitions, animations, etc.
  • Can embed questions/quiz with provided feedback
  • Can include closed captions
  • The video can be stored in cloud and shared online


  • Relatively expensive, $249.99 for an individual license
  • Audio editing feature is limited and noise reduction doesn’t work well
  • Easy to froze and crash
  • May not be easy for people who have limited technology skills


  • Can be used by teachers to create interactive instructional videos for any curriculum
  • Can be used by students to show their creativity and/or learning


  • Teachers may get overloaded if they are required to create videos using Camtasia
  • Students may have a high cognitive load when using Camtasia to create videos

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