UDL Technology Tool 6: Viar360

Image result for viar360
An icon of Viar360

What is Viar360?

Viar360 is an authoring & publishing platform for interactive virtual reality based on 360 videos and photos.

Alignment to UDL Principle


Creating a VR presentation with 360 videos and/or photos can optimize relevance, value, and authenticity of learning. Viar360 can provide master-oriented feedback by embedding questions/quiz and providing feedback for students.


Viar360 allows a variety types of hotspots for interaction, such as text, hyperlinks, audio files, images, and videos on top of the 360 videos or photos.

Action & Expression

Viar360 provides an opportunity for students to create VR programs using 360 video/photo to express their learning. (However, the free trial is only for 14 days and it would be $99/month to continue using it)

Curriculum Integration

Viar360 can be integrated into curricula that need to show real-world scenes to students. For example, teachers can record 360 videos and create a VR-based lesson for students to go on a virtual field trip. Teachers can also create VR-based lessons to demonstrate experiments or operations that may have hazards to students.

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