UDL Technology Tool 7: TimeToast

An icon of TimeToast

What is TimeToast?

TimeToast is a free online timeline maker that allows collaboration.

Alignment to UDL Principle


Creating a timeline can optimize relevance, value, and authenticity of learning. TimeToast fosters collaboration and community by allowing students to collaboratively create a timeline.


TimeToast timeline provides multiple means of representation by allowing text, images, and embedded videos.

Action & Expression

TimeToast provides an opportunity for students to include multimedia including text, images, and videos in timelines to express their learning.

Curriculum Integration

TimeToast can be integrated into any curriculum that involves timelines. For example, it can be integrated in a history curriculum for teachers to create timelines for students to study with. Teachers can also engage students in collaboratively creating timelines. In other curriculum, teachers can have students create a timeline for the history of that curriculum.

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