UDL Technology Tool 8: Animoto

Image result for animoto
An icon of Animoto

What is Animoto?

Animoto is a web-based video creation platform. It can be used to create videos from video content, photos, and text. There are templates and background music in the default library.

Alignment to UDL Principle


Creating a video presentation that includes multiple media types such as text, photos, and video content can optimize relevance, value, and authenticity of learning.


Animoto provides multiple means of representation by offering alternatives for auditory and visual information. Text can be added as closed captions to go along with auditory and visual information.

Action & Expression

Animoto provides an opportunity for students to use multimedia to express their creativity and learning.

Curriculum Integration

Animoto can be integrated into any curriculum by creating instructional videos for students or having students create videos. For example, in a language arts class, teachers can ask students to use Animoto to create stories.

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