UDL Technology Tool 9: Kahoot!

Image result for Kahoot
An icon of Kahoot

What is Kahoot?

Kahoot is game-based interactive realtime quiz platform to engage the audience.

Alignment to UDL Principle


Using a game-based realtime quiz can motivate students and engage them in relevant and authentic learning. It can foster an interactive learning community by engaging all students in the activity.


Kahoot provides multiple means of representation by allowing text, image, and video in the questions that students will respond to.

Action & Expression

Kahoot provides an opportunity for students to use multimedia to show their creativity and learning. Students can use Kahoot in presentations to interact with the audience.

Curriculum Integration

Kahoot can be integrated into any curriculum to engage students. It can be used to create pre-assessment or post-assessment to assess student learning in realtime. Students can use any names so they won’t feel embarrassed for providing wrong answers. The game-based feature makes learning engaging and fun.

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