UDL Technology Tool 5: Miro – Online Whiteboard Tool

What is Miro? Miro is an online visual collaboration platform for teamwork. Alignment to UDL Principle Engagement Miro enhances student engagement by fostering collaboration and community. It also optimizes individual choice and autonomy by allowing students to post information using different types of media. Representation Miro can guide information processing… Read more“UDL Technology Tool 5: Miro – Online Whiteboard Tool”

UDL Technology Tool 4: Mentimeter

What is Mentimeter? Mentimeter is an interactive presentation software that can interact with the audience using real-time voting/polling. Alignment to UDL Principle Engagement Mentimeter fosters community by engaging all students in interactive polling activities. Students can visualize the polling realtime as the results update as new input comes in. This… Read more“UDL Technology Tool 4: Mentimeter”

UDL Technology Tool 2: Canva

What is Canva? Canva is a versatile web-based graphic design application with a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to create graphics and videos. People can work independently or collaboratively on designs. Alignment to UDL principles Engagement Using Canva collaboratively for visual design can foster collaboration and community…. Read more“UDL Technology Tool 2: Canva”